Monday, March 18, 2013

An Off Week? Anything but...

I often hear about racers getting a “well deserved break from racing” from the press and media.  Though it is true that in an off week racers get a rare break from the physical and psycholocical stresses of racing, this time is more often than not anything but a time of rest and recovery.  This past week, we at the FOCUS XC ITALY TEAM had no races scheduled which meant it was time to get in as much preparation as possible in anticipation of a very heavy block of racing in the spring months. 

FOCUS XC ITALY TEAM in preparations for the coming races

While racing, the training focus is largely based around recovering from race to race.  There is not much time to build fitness when one must race once or twice a week in very pysically demanding off-road races.  As soon as one race finishes, a racer’s focus shifts to recovering for the next.  With a rare one week break, my teammates and I took the opportunity to ramp up the intensity and volume of our training plans so as too squeeze out those last few drops of fitness ahead of the most important part of our season.

There are many kilometers (and a few coffee stops) on the road to the World Cup.

Unlike in road racing, in mountain bike racing, it is imperative to know the race course by heart- one must know the best line to take and what gear to use at every point of the race. As such, this past weekend, the FOCUS XC ITALY TEAM packed up and headed out to try the GF Tre Valli to take place on March 24.  Apart from the being an extremely useful reconossiance and good training ride, it was good to be out in the hills in the provice of Verona having a blast with my teammates, at times having to ride over sections of the course that were mysteriously still covered by snow.

The GF Tre Valli racecourse blocked by snow at the top of the first climb

The “off” week activities do not stop at race preparations however.  Life on the road to the World Cup often involves other obligations, such as the photo shoot we had on Saturday on the race course of the GF Citta’ di Garda.  Though it doubled as course reconnossance, the main purpose of this outing was to take photos.  Though we all make better racers than models, I don’t think we did a horrible job even though our focus quickly shifted to see who could get the best photo by doing the coolest trick jumping their bike over an obstacle or pulling the longest wheelie.

With these guys on my team it is highly unlikely I'll ever win a tricks competition

We will now look to put the finishing touches on our form as we head into the most important part of the season.  Starting next Sunday, we’ll all find out how our preparations have paid off.

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